We're moving! 

AIMH is now the Bridge Academy of Innovative Mental Health!

Visit our new home to explore our full service offerings.


You can still find all of your favorite Academy courses and resources on our online learning platform.

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The Academy expands knowledge to professionals in the mental health community and beyond, using a conscious, experiential, and evidence-based format. Our mission is to deliver comprehensive health and wellness to all, by empowering personal and professional growth and confidence.

Core Beliefs


Integrative training hub for individual, group and community practice. We draw from multidisciplinary sources, going further than traditional Western medical model, fostering like-minded community within the field. We acknowledge the importance of balancing evidence-based Western science with Eastern Medicine, ancient wisdom, inclusive knowledge, and indigenous based practices.



Multiple forms of content with engaging educational formats and guided practices and techniques. Our content is intentionally crafted for the empowerment of mental health practitioners and their clients.


Evidence Based

Courses taught by licensed mental health professionals and experts from a variety of disciplines. We utilize current evidence, professional experience, and ancient wisdom to offer you cutting edge material. While it can be overwhelming at times to weed through all of the information out there on your own, you can feel confident that our materials are thoroughly vetted by our team of experts before we ever send it your way.


Available Now

Suicide Assessment, Treatment, and Management

Comprehensive & Compassion-Based

Gain the knowledge, skills, and resources to approach suicidality with empathy and understanding, ultimately helping you make a positive impact in the lives of those at risk.

Client Role-Plays, Additional Webinars, and Guided Practices

Support for Therapists During and After Course

Guidelines for Treatment at Each Risk Level

Various Forms of Instruction to Support All Learning Styles

Available Now

3-Core Integrative is a training program to become a certified integrative mental health professional with the credentials of IMHP.

This course is beneficial for all levels of practice from the newbie therapist to the senior clinician. After taking this course, you will have the knowledge and confidence to utilize cutting edge and innovative interventions, techniques and resources.

The Conscious Mental Health Podcast

Conversations for professionals who are always learning

If the content in our show resonates with you, we'd love if you left a review, subscribed on your platform of choice, or give us a share! This would help the algorithm reach more mental health professionals that could benefit from our content as well.

The Conscious Mental Health Podcast is a series of diverse educational resources for mental health professionals and savvy clients sponsored by the Academy of Integrative Mental Health. The Academy expands knowledge to professionals in the mental health community and beyond, using a conscious, experiential, and evidence-based format. Our mission is to deliver comprehensive health and wellness to all, by empowering personal and professional growth and confidence. We believe continuing education is an essential aspect of mental health care that is ever-evolving and changing, just like the communities we serve. The CMH Podcast is part of our efforts to increase access to modern, experiential knowledge across all stages of a clinician's career.

We share engaging conversations with skilled therapists, multi-disciplinary experts, and advocates committed to thinking outside the box using an integrative approach. Our episodes are similar to our training style in that you receive research-informed content and guided practices, news updates, and other segments to support you in your personal and clinical practice.

Become a Certified
Integrative Mental Health Professional!

AIMH Articles

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Land and Labor Acknowledgement

Our main operations occur in current day Louisville, KY in what is known as the Ohio River Valley. This river is born from the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers in current day Pittsburgh and flows westward into the Mississippi River, which flows to the Gulf of Mexico. The name "Ohio" comes from the Seneca language word, Ohi:yo' (oh-hee-yoh), lit. "Good River”.

We acknowledge all of the more than human beings; plants, animals, mineral, bacteria, fungi and reptiles and beyond that have been growing and decaying, moving and planted for millions of years here. The first people of this land have a history that spans 11,000 years that we know of and many groups of people have lived, hunted and stewarded this land including:

  • Osage (pronunciation - oh sage —wah-zah-zhay)

  • Hopewell/Adena

  • Shawnee (Shawano)

  • Cherokee (pronunciation - Juh luh gee)

We honor all of the indigenous nations and their land with great gratitude and acknowledge the genocide and continuous displacement of indigenous peoples. We also acknowledge the enslaved Africans whose labor built our nation during the colonial era and beyond. We acknowledge the harm inflicted upon the indigenous communities and people of color across the country, which inspires our ongoing work.

Because most of our courses are online at this time, we also want to acknowledge the structures in which our technology is mediated, including somewhere around 75 million servers half a million miles of undersea cable sit on unceded indigenous land and diverse ecosystems. We also acknowledge the rare minerals that are used and mined for our technology. Specifically, the Democratic Republic of the Congo - whose brutal civil war is financed by the mining and extraction of the three T’s (conflict minerals are tin, tantalum, tungsten).

Please see our Statement of Inclusion on our About Us page to see our commitments and work we are doing to actively dismantle oppressive systems and navigate reconciliation and reparations, specifically in the mental health field.